Finreon World Equity Economic Exposure
With the Finreon World Equity Economic Exposure strategy, it is now possible to invest truly global. To participate in global growth, portfolios should be based on sales exposure rather than listing. By taking into account the sales figures, the effective economic activity of the companies is represented. In addition to the broad diversification through the proven IsoPro weighting, the portfolio is therefore optimized so that the sales exposure corresponds to the global GDP distribution. At the same time, the benchmark characteristics regarding sectors & regions are preserved. Cluster risks, also on region level, are explicitly avoided.
The return and risk may deviate from the World Equities AC ex CH NR Index. The risk corresponds to an investment in global equities in foreign currencies, which is not hedged against USD. The fund is US withholding tax exempt and only accessible to Swiss occupational pension funds.
Fund facts
Fund name | Finreon World Equity Economic Exposure |
Fund umbrella | Finreon Umbrella Fund |
Domicil | Switzerland |
Structure | Fund according to Swiss Law, FINMA-regulated |
Currency | USD |
Liquidity | Daily |
Inception | 30.11.2022 |
Distribution policy | Accumulating |
Investment advisor | Finreon Ltd |
Asset manager | Credit Suisse Ltd |
Fund management | UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) Ltd |
Custody bank | UBS Ltd |
Remarks | Exempt from US-wht, only available for Swiss pension funds, no sec lending/ no leverage/ no short-selling |
Strategy name | Finreon World Equity Economic Exposure |
Benchmark | Equity AC World ex CH (NR) |
Asset class | Equity |
Region | World ex CH (developed & emerging markets) |
Number of stocks | <= 750 |
Prospectus (DE)
Annual Report (DE)
Semi-annual Report (DE)
Classes | ISIN | Currency | Min. Investment (CHF) | Management Fee |
Finreon World Equity Economic Exposure (Pension) - I0P | CH0200878525 | USD | - | 0.70% |
Finreon World Equity Economic Exposure (Pension) - I1P | CH0343984248 | USD | 5 mio. | 0.45% |
Finreon World Equity Economic Exposure (Pension) - I2P | CH0343984321 | USD | 10 mio. | 0.35% |
Finreon World Equity Economic Exposure (Pension) - DPM | CH1233586572 | USD | discr. mandate agreement & 25 mio. | to be agreed individually |